Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May PTA Minutes

May 4, 2016
MCE PTA Meeting Minutes

Attending:  Heidi Elsasser, Jenni Runolfson, Adriane Watson, Carrey Twitchell, Amber Anderson, Jenn Burr, Michelle Perry, Rebekah Hanks, Timette Wankier, Jenny McArthur, Betsy Perry, Ardis Bird, Carolyn Bona

Treasurer’s Report:          Balance as of 4/1/16:     $28,392.71
                                                      Total Income Earned:     $     449.18
                                                      Total Expenditures:         $    292.00
                                                      Balance as of 4/30/16:  $ 28,549.89

April Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve: Jenni Runolfson. 2nd: Amber Anderson

Thank you: Bike Rodeo. Ardis Bird said it went will even with a little rain.  Jr. Achievement finishing up. Thanks Rebekah!

Carolyn:  Parents & Pastries A&C tracks June 1st B&D tracks June 9th:  Incentive to learn about 7 habits.
May 19th & 23rd Evening of the Arts.  Artwork is already going up. Teachers have not requested help.
Teacher Appreciation: Encourage students not to go to wild.  More concerned about Beach Day
(actually says Hawaiian on the literature)
Trying to get track assignments out. There was a problem with the district, but should go out this week.
Teacher changes next year:  Only 4- 6th grade classes next school year. Mrs. Jolley going to 6th Grade
Student teacher, Dana Christopher (5th grade). Mr. Hakes retiring.  Mrs. Benson is moving to Florida. Mrs. Menzel going to another school district. Mrs. Checketts coming back to teach 2nd grade.
In 2017-18: 2 new elementary schools in our area could affect boundaries.

Battle of the Books:  Principal Bona is going to be in charge with Melissa helping. The librarians are going to hand out incentives to the students.  PTA going to help with advertising, volunteers & prizes for competition.
Books are pricey. $2,000 Scholastic bucks expire in Sept. of  this year.  Going to use that to get books plus use the literacy budget.  School is going to pay for ½. Intro in Fall. 3-6th grade mixed groups.

Teacher Appreciation: Jenn Burr
Mon: Breakfast 8:30am. Baskets are covered. If you’d like to help go on FB and find the link to volunteer spot to sign up.
Tues: Drinks.  Wed:  Lunch. Jenny McArthur is picking up Texas Roadhouse @ 11am.  Thur: Peanuts w/appetizer coupon.
Fri:  Flowers and Chocolate.
Donations: Michelle Perry: Free Drinks from Pop Shop and basket drawing from Pop Shop. Bowl (homemade spun glass w/dinner gift card)
Sponsors: Chilies, Red Robin, Painting w/a Twist
Need big white bowls: Carolyn bringing

Mountain Lion Teacher Award: Timette
Use Survey Monkey to vote for the teacher.  Name will be put on plaque in teacher’s lounge.  Announced during the respective track of the teacher at Mountain Lion Award assembly.  *put link to Survey Monkey on FB & open it to everyone.

Field Day:  Michelle Perry
Volunteer Pop up on Help counter only set up for A track. Need to contact Neena to set up for the other 3 tracks.
Otter pops are going to be one of the stations.  Super Hero Theme. Going to use PE equipment. Each class in 4 groups w/colored wristbands.

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