Tuesday, May 31, 2016

May PTA Minutes

May 4, 2016
MCE PTA Meeting Minutes

Attending:  Heidi Elsasser, Jenni Runolfson, Adriane Watson, Carrey Twitchell, Amber Anderson, Jenn Burr, Michelle Perry, Rebekah Hanks, Timette Wankier, Jenny McArthur, Betsy Perry, Ardis Bird, Carolyn Bona

Treasurer’s Report:          Balance as of 4/1/16:     $28,392.71
                                                      Total Income Earned:     $     449.18
                                                      Total Expenditures:         $    292.00
                                                      Balance as of 4/30/16:  $ 28,549.89

April Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve: Jenni Runolfson. 2nd: Amber Anderson

Thank you: Bike Rodeo. Ardis Bird said it went will even with a little rain.  Jr. Achievement finishing up. Thanks Rebekah!

Carolyn:  Parents & Pastries A&C tracks June 1st B&D tracks June 9th:  Incentive to learn about 7 habits.
May 19th & 23rd Evening of the Arts.  Artwork is already going up. Teachers have not requested help.
Teacher Appreciation: Encourage students not to go to wild.  More concerned about Beach Day
(actually says Hawaiian on the literature)
Trying to get track assignments out. There was a problem with the district, but should go out this week.
Teacher changes next year:  Only 4- 6th grade classes next school year. Mrs. Jolley going to 6th Grade
Student teacher, Dana Christopher (5th grade). Mr. Hakes retiring.  Mrs. Benson is moving to Florida. Mrs. Menzel going to another school district. Mrs. Checketts coming back to teach 2nd grade.
In 2017-18: 2 new elementary schools in our area could affect boundaries.

Battle of the Books:  Principal Bona is going to be in charge with Melissa helping. The librarians are going to hand out incentives to the students.  PTA going to help with advertising, volunteers & prizes for competition.
Books are pricey. $2,000 Scholastic bucks expire in Sept. of  this year.  Going to use that to get books plus use the literacy budget.  School is going to pay for ½. Intro in Fall. 3-6th grade mixed groups.

Teacher Appreciation: Jenn Burr
Mon: Breakfast 8:30am. Baskets are covered. If you’d like to help go on FB and find the link to volunteer spot to sign up.
Tues: Drinks.  Wed:  Lunch. Jenny McArthur is picking up Texas Roadhouse @ 11am.  Thur: Peanuts w/appetizer coupon.
Fri:  Flowers and Chocolate.
Donations: Michelle Perry: Free Drinks from Pop Shop and basket drawing from Pop Shop. Bowl (homemade spun glass w/dinner gift card)
Sponsors: Chilies, Red Robin, Painting w/a Twist
Need big white bowls: Carolyn bringing

Mountain Lion Teacher Award: Timette
Use Survey Monkey to vote for the teacher.  Name will be put on plaque in teacher’s lounge.  Announced during the respective track of the teacher at Mountain Lion Award assembly.  *put link to Survey Monkey on FB & open it to everyone.

Field Day:  Michelle Perry
Volunteer Pop up on Help counter only set up for A track. Need to contact Neena to set up for the other 3 tracks.
Otter pops are going to be one of the stations.  Super Hero Theme. Going to use PE equipment. Each class in 4 groups w/colored wristbands.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Teacher Apprecian Week -- all about UP

Each day will have a theme but we ask that the kids keep dress up simple.... they are still testing this week. Also everything must be within dress code.

Monday-- Wake UP
the kids can wear Pajamas to school

Tuesday-- Surf's UP
the kids can wear Hawaiian Shirts (no swimsuits)

Wednesday -- Giddy UP
the kids can wear Cowboy Hats

Thursday -- Batter UP
the kids can wear Baseball Hats

Friday -- Dress UP
the kids can wear nice clothes to school (like church clothes)

Here is a link for the donations still needed. http://vols.pt/4oBQ8E

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March PTA Minutes

March 9, 2016

MCE PTA Meeting Minutes

Attending: Heidi Elsasser, Christy Boden, Betsy Perry, Carolyn Bona, Marilee Pack, Whitney McKell, Adriane Watson, Becca Hyer, Amy McMullin, Jenni Runolfson, Robyn Epley, Amber Anderson, Tami Dickinson,Brynn Nygren, Tiffani Merrick

Treasurer’s Report: Balance as of 2/1/16: $28,857.05

Expenses: $1,064.27

Revenue: $0

Balance as of 2/29/16: $27,792.78


February Meeting Minutes: Motion to Approve: Heidi Elsasser2nd: Michelle Perry

School Business: 

Maturation during the day:  Overall success. A few parents complained about having to take off work to come and also how a lot of kids were there unaccompanied by their parents so they were a little misbehaved. 

White Ribbon Week: Thank you Betsy Perry. Teachers loved it during the day and how the kids could get stuff. 

FYI: 180ish Powerades left. Maybe use for field day volunteers. 

Amy McMullin: Field trip season. Thank you for the extra $$$

PTC Dinners: We will have 3 student teachers and possibly 6 practicum teachers for the dinner. 

Kindergarten Orientation: We need 6 adults plus student leaders. There will be a volunteer sign-up sheet at Kindergarten Orientation for new parents coming in. 

Battle of the Books:  MCE PTA pays ½ and Midas Creek pays the other ½.  Heidi, Jenni & Nichole going to Butterfield Elementary on Monday, March 13th to watch 2 teams battle.  We could use Scholastics buck to buy books for this. For 3rd-6th graders. 

Day at the Capitol: Thanks to Heidi for attending.  PTA gave Lt. Governor a check in volunteer hours.  90hrs per person per parent volunteer in Utah. Thanks to our Legislators for last year: We got more $$$. 

Bike Rodeo: Is 10am or 11am better for bike rodeo?  Amy McMullin said 11am.  April 19th & 26th to hit all of the tracks. 

Teacher Appreciation Week:  May 2nd-6th and the 9th-15th

2016-2017 Executive Board:  Jenni Runolfson (Pres.), Michelle Perry (Pres. Elect), Heidi Elsasser (Sec.), Christy Boden (Treas.), Robyn Epley (Leg. VP).  

Positions to Fill: Book Fair, Fun Run, Social Media

Business/Spirit Night Partnerships. Maybe have Fun Run Committee over the Spirit Nights since we don’t start Spirit Nights until after the Fun Run. 

Volunteers: Do we need a new way/system?  Maybe a phone tree? Have room mom outline?  Email teachers to give names of volunteers? Thinking of asking Carrie Twitchell to be over volunteers. 



PTC March 9th & 10th.  

Surveys due: March 18th. 320 turned in so far. 468 last year. Need at least 10 surveys per teacher. Going to advertise at PTC.  

Going to Battle of the Books on March 17th @ Butterfield.  Spring Break on the 25th & 28thBday Table on the 30th

Safety Assembly on March 30th.  


Share Midas Creek Facebook posts!!!!


Monday, March 21, 2016

Midas Creek PTA Proposed Bylaws

Our PTA Bylaws are up for renewal.  If you would like to read through the proposed copy, you can ask Cindy to see the copy in the office or click here.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact Heidi Elsasser (midascreekpta@gmail.com).  Thank You

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

January 6, 2016 MCE PTA Meeting Minutes

Attending:  Heidi Elsasser, Amy Johnson, Amy McMullin, Jenni Runnolfson, Jen Johnson, Claire Evanson, Michelle Perry, Adriane Watson, Christy Boden, Rebecca Hanks, Carolyn Bona.

Treasurer’s Report: Balance as of 12/1/15 $29,090.72. Total Income:  $540.65.  Total Expenditures:
            Balance as of 12/31/15:  $29,102.82.

December Meeting Minutes: Adriane approve. Christy 2nd
Carolyn:  3 BYU student teachers here for 2 weeks for D track then come back w/D track
January: 6th grade musical practice every morning. 
Fundraiser for Haley. Getting a van! Student leadership collecting $ every day.  Already @ $1,500. Goal is $5,000.  Competing against Silver Crest.
Short Read-a-thons:
Hot Dog Reading:  On last day D track is on (January 15th) and last day in January for other                tracks. 
Trying to encourage home reading.
January 21st: Literacy Night 5-6:30pm Open House
Booklists about 7 Habits, Book Exchange.  If you bring 5 books, you get 5 books. If you bring 20 books, you get 20 books.
Everyone gets a bookmark, booklist and popcorn. A movie will be playing as well.
Need 2-3 volunteers @ the exchange table for this night.
            2 Technology Trainings:  Kindergarten on iPads and 4-6th grade on Chrome books
            Google Chrome tour was a success! Teachers and kids had a lot of fun!
Teachers: PTA “You are the spirit of the school”. Thank you to PTA
PTC: No Book Fair! 
Jen Johnson: PTC dinners. A&C tracks, 27 people.  Sub sandwiches (Feb. 3rd) and Baked potatoes (Feb. 4th).  Heidi going to check closet for plates and forks.
Maturation: Decided to do it during the day since we couldn’t find a nurse to do the presentation @ night.
Jr. Achievement: Meeting on Jan. 11th @ 10am in the A track Kindergarten room. 
            Classes needed:  Hansen (AM): Heidi checking w/people, Michelson: Amy McMullin checking.